Project Development
SolRenew has a team of experienced and trusted Business Partners with experience designing energy projects, including Solar PV, Battery storage and CHP systems. SolRenew and its team have a combined experience developing over 50 MW of solar energy projects in Puerto Rico over the past ten (10) years.
The services that may be provided include system design, vendor selection, and negotiation, obtaining permits, project management, development of financial models and securing funding for projects.

Energy Products
SolRenew has a select group of vendors that provide high quality, proven equipment to meet the solar energy needs of its clients. Our product line includes products in the following categories:

Energy Management
We can help you reduce your building’s energy consumption, which allows a reduction in cost and carbon emissions. Our services include:
Project Development
SolRenew has a team of experienced and trusted Business Partners with experience designing energy projects, including Solar PV, Battery storage and CHP systems. SolRenew and its team have a combined experience developing over 50 MW of solar energy projects in Puerto Rico over the past ten (10) years.
The services that may be provided include system design, vendor selection, and negotiation, obtaining permits, project management, development of financial models and securing funding for projects.